Canada remains global leader in polio eradication

Canada will continue to be a world leader in the global push to eradicate polio and to save lives through immunization, announced the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of International Cooperation, during the Global Vaccine Summit, held in Abu Dhabi.

Canada will increase its support for polio immunization by providing additional support to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to address both immediate and longer-term needs to reach polio eradication by 2018.

"Canada remains a world leader in supporting immunization and is committed to joining the final global push to eradicate polio once and for all," said Minister Fantino.

"By helping to eradicate polio, Canada will help children and their families lead healthy and productive lives, reducing poverty worldwide," he added.

Canada played a leading role in the summit, hosted by His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi; Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

The summit brought together international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other high-level stakeholders, including heads of state and private sector representatives, to support global commitments to immunization, starting with polio eradication. Participants are discussed the critical links between ending polio, strengthening routine immunization, and improving overall child health.

"Canada has been a long-time leader in achieving a polio-free world and making sure children get the vaccines they need no matter where they live. The impact of its leadership is a powerful example of foreign assistance that works," said Bill Gates., co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

"Canada's increased support over the next six years will help ensure we can end polio and build the infrastructure needed to help all children live healthy and productive lives," he added.

"WHO deeply appreciates this substantial contribution from the Canadian government, which will help us finish the job of polio eradication. Polio eradication will be a perpetual gift to all future generations of children the world over. Canada's generosity is a contribution to this gift," said Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization.

"While success is in our sights, there remain challenges to getting vaccinations to those who need them," said Minister Fantino. "Canada calls on religious, government, and community leadership at home and where these diseases plague our children to clearly denounce attacks on immunization workers and to continue promoting science-based information about this important work," he added.

Economic Action Plan 2013 reaffirms Canada's commitment to international development, including immunization. As announced in Economic Action Plan 2013, the new Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development will ensure greater efficiencies and effectiveness in its delivery of international development assistance while maintaining the mandate of poverty alleviation and humanitarian assistance.

"Immunization saves the lives of millions of children every year, and is one of the most cost-effective health investments," said Minister Fantino. "Through Canada's Muskoka Initiative and our commitment to child health, Canada has helped rally global support to immunize 80% of children, and we are working together to ensure we reach every last child," he added.

The Global Vaccine Summit took place during the second annual World Immunization Week, which is recognized by the World Health Organization and aims to promote the use of vaccines to immunize people of all ages against diseases. For more information, please visit CIDA's page on immunization.
