Best Healthcare System Examples From Around The World

The World Health Organization evaluates international health care systems based on five criteria. Factors include the health of the overall population, care inequalities within the population and the responsiveness of the health system. The WHO additionally assesses heath care provided to the various economic levels of a population along with who covers the cost of the health system. The following countries offer some of the best health care on the planet.


The health care system of the country represents the Bismarck Model, named for its founder, Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Recipients receive care under an insurance system financed by employees and employers. Approximately 95 percent of Switzerland's residents have private insurance policies. Impoverished citizens unable to afford a policy receive government help. The premiums of all policies cost the same amount and the companies cannot profit from basic health care treatment. The companies may however, receive monies for the costs associated with alternative medicine, dental care or for private hospital accommodations. Studies indicate that the government overall only spends a little over 11 percent on the system.


France also adopted the Bismarck Model with some variations.Residents obtain medical insurancethrough their place of work in addition to having private supplemental coverage. The government pays around 75 percent of the cost of medical care using the mandatory funds received from employees. Supplemental policies cover the remaining costs. Affluent citizens have the option of receiving elective procedures at their expense. All of the French citizens have the right to choose a health care provider and patients typically receive same day treatment.


According to infant mortality rates and life expectancies, Italy remains one of the countries providing the best health care. Employers provide and pay for the health insurance of employees, which features low-cost or no cost coverage regardless of the type of treatment. Unemployed individuals have the option of obtaining state operated medical coverage. Studies suggest that physicians remain dedicated to patients and receive exceptional training. Private hospitals receive glowing reports that rival any other country.


The country adopted the National Health Insurance Model in 1995, which combines the Beveridge and Bismarck systems. Private companies offer the policies that residents pay to the government who in turn covers the cost of medical treatment. The cost effective model does not allow profit by the insurance companies, preventing a motive for denying claims. However, the government only pays for a limited number of services or requires that patients wait a specific period of time for treatment. Individuals not able to afford private policies have the option of obtaining government assistance. Taiwan also implemented the "smart card." Each resident receives a card that contains a continuing medical history.


The country adopted the Douglas Model of healthcare that represents a dual system of private and public health insurance. Affluent residents must have private insurance or pay a specialized tax when using the Medicare public system. Employees pay an insurance premium through their paychecks that covers the cost of using the system. Physicians have private practices and receive wages when treating public patients. They also receive compensation when treating citizens with private policies. Two thirds of the country's hospital beds lie in public facilities. The remainder one third lies in private facilities. A drawback of the public system sometimes means patients wait for treatment.
