World Immunization Week 2013 to promote use of vaccines – WHO

The World Health Organization says World Immunization Week, beginning April 20 aims to promote one of the world's most powerful tools for health – the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease.

It said in honour of the week, it would soon publish new research in vaccine highlighting the need for better supply systems, better support for remote and marginalized groups and better information in order to reach the estimated 22 million children in developing countries who are still not protected with basic vaccines.

A statement issued by Fadéla Chaib, WHO Communications Officer/ Spokesperson copied to the Ghana News Agency over the weekend said, other challenges include overcoming complacency about immunization, dispelling myths and improving research.

The World Immunization Week is an opportunity for the world to come together to address such barriers; under the global slogan "Protect your world – get vaccinated".

WHO encourages individuals and organizations working at international, regional, national, and community levels, in the public and private sectors, to coordinate and engage in activities during World Immunization Week.

Immunization Week initiatives began in the Region of the Americas in 2003. The Week was observed simultaneously in WHO's six regions for the first time in 2012, with the participation of more than 180 countries and territories. GNA
