World Health Organization opens 67th annual assembly

The World Health Organization opened its 67th annual assembly on Monday in Geneva.

The event is expected to draw more than 3,000 delegates from WHO's 194 member states for six days of discussion on key global issues.

A recent survey by Gallup showed that 72 percent of the public has a good opinion of WHO and its partner UNICEF.

The event will cover efforts for preventing and controlling noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. The participants will also discuss a new global strategy for preventing and controlling tuberculosis and propose efforts for improving the health of patients with viral hepatitis.

The assembly will also work on drafting an action plan for newborn health. The WHO's global strategy for maternal and young child nutrition will also be reviewed.

The assembly will also be making efforts toward the Millennium Development Goals and a post-2015 agenda.

The tackling of antimicrobial drug resistance, access to essential medicines, medicine regulation, the management of autism and protection against vaccine-preventable diseases are also on the agenda.

Shigeru Omi, the president of the 66th World Health Assembly, will open the meeting, at which delegates will elect a new president and officers.
