Souring your life: WHO cuts recommended sugar consumption in half

Remember the old commercial about how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? Well, if a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, how many spoonfuls get us sick?

The World Health Organization announced Feb. 24 they are cutting in half their recommendation for sugar consumption down to five teaspoons a day. For you soda addicts, that's about half a can's worth.

"If you look at the nutrition facts panel, we are presented with sugar in grams," said nutritionist and registered dietician Melinda Hemmelgarn. "So, when you see on that nutrition facts panel, say 39 grams of sugar in a can of soda, do the math and you'll find out that that's about ten tea spoons."

While sugars in soda come as little surprise, many may be surprised by the degree of sweetener added to ketchup, tacos, and other prepared items. Worse, many times the sources of sugars are not fractioned out. That is, labels don't have to distinguish the difference types of sugar.

"On a milk label customers might say, ''Oh my gosh, there's so much sugar in here'" according to Hemmelgrarn. "But that's naturally occurring sugar from lactose and that is not what this recommendation is really speaking to. It is speaking to added sugar."

If you think the solution is simple or at least artificial, think again. Hemmelgarn warns that "artificial sweeteners are not the answer." Studies have demonstrated they can lead to cancer.

While the World Health's Organization's recommendations may sound dire there does seem to be a silver lining for those with a sweet tooth... portion size. After all, Hemmelgarn admits to indulging daily to a half scoop of organic ice cream.

"You know, I think dilution is the solution... You want to use a little real maple syrup or a little real honey or even a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee. It's when it becomes multiple teaspoons of sugar that's the problem."
