Riyadh, Dhaka to sign health pact

The Kingdom and Bangladesh will soon sign a Memorandum-of-Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their mutual cooperation in various functions in the health sector.

The decision to draft a MOU was taken on Sunday during a meeting held here between Health Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah and his Bangladesh counterpart Mohammed Nasim.

Areas of the proposed agreement would include medical collaboration for training, research, exchange of experts, recruitment of doctors and health professionals from Bangladesh and medical education.

The visiting minister sought the Kingdom's help to secure accreditation for different post-graduate medical education degrees (MD, MS, and FCPS) awarded by Bangladesh, which are yet to be recognized by the Saudi government. "The existing limitations bar the Bangladeshi post-graduate doctors from being accepted as specialist doctors, and force them to accept lower salaries than doctors with similar qualifications from other countries," the minister noted.

During the bilateral meeting, both ministers agreed to enhance cooperation in the health sector through sharing experiences, training and research collaboration of medical practitioners of both countries for the improvement of the citizens of both nations. Explaining the recent initiatives taken for the improvement in the health sector in Bangladesh under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the Bangladesh health minister sought the support of the government of Saudi Arabia to recruit more doctors, nurses and other health professionals from Bangladesh.

Agreeing to consider these proposals by the Bangladesh health minister, the Saudi health minister underlined the need for regular and increased interaction between health professionals of both countries to enhance better understanding about the need for health services.

The Saudi side also expressed willingness to receive medical doctors for training modules in Saudi hospitals while they are pursuing a higher degree in Bangladesh. "This would improve understanding and collaboration between the two countries and benefit Bangladesh doctors who may pursue future careers in Saudi Arabia subsequently to gain experience," the visiting minister said.

Informing of the massive health reforms undertaken in the Kingdom in an expansion program, Health Minister Al-Rabeeah expressed interest in hiring qualified graduate nurses under the new programs.

Al-Rabeeah hoped to visit Bangladesh at a convenient time in response to the invitation of Bangladesh health minister. A luncheon was hosted by Saudi health minister in honor of the Bangladesh health minister.

Before the bilateral meeting, the Bangladesh health minister also had a meeting with Dr. Sulaiman Al-Emran, acting secretary general of Saudi Commission of Health Specialties, sole body for accreditation and licensing of medical doctors and other health professionals in the Kingdom.

The Saudi Commission agreed to send its doctors as external examiners of Bangladesh medical degrees such as MS and MD as well as for the attachment in premier medical institutions in Bangladesh. The commission's officials also agreed to undertake a visit to Dhaka soon to see for themselves the medical education, training and services facilities.

The visiting minister attended a reception hosted in his honor by the expatriate Bangladesh community at the Riyadh Palace Hotel here on Saturday.

In the afternoon, Nasim left for Geneva to attend a two-day meeting on e-health standardization at the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Deputy Health Secretary Sayedul Islam Bangladesh would highlight the successful introduction of e-health services in the country. Bangladesh has been successfully using different software to collect use and store data, Sayedul said, adding that WHO officials will be shown how the Bangladeshi system would be helpful for other countries to exchange data. Seeking anonymity, a ministry official said Bangladesh would get a prize and official recognition from the WHO for successfully introducing e-health in the country.

Besides senior officials from the MOH, Bangladesh Ambassador Mohammed Shahidul Islam, Neazuddin Miah, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Professor Pran Gopal Datta, Vice Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Professor Abu Shafi Ahemd Amin, President of Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) and Nazrul Islam, Director General (West Asia) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also present.

sumber: www.arabnews.com